Tool’s Adam Jones: “The Record’s Done And It’s Coming Out Tomorrow…Just Kidding”

Tool guitarist Adam Jones has confirmed the band has not finished their long awaited new album, despite recent rumors to the contrary.
Over the weekend, it was widely reported that Jones had announced to fans that the album was done, however, the guitarist has since taken to Twitter, explaining the statement was a joke: “FYI, ‘The record’s done and it’s coming out tomorrow’ is what I said yesterday, followed by ‘just kidding. . . ‘”
In a statement issued via Rolling Stone, the band said Jones’ comments were taken out of context: “Last night, Adam Jones, in a private conversation with fans attending the Portland Tool concert, joked that the band’s new album was not only finished but coming out the next day…Unfortunately, his off-the-cuff joke was taken out of context.”
The statement added: “Work on the forthcoming album is ongoing and as soon as it is done, trust me, we will be the first to let everyone know.”
Last October,’s webmaster issued the following statement on the progress of the album: “A couple of weeks ago, I visited the Tool loft to try and get some kind of idea as to how things were progressing with the writing sessions now that the band was back hard at it. Well, I am happy to report that there has indeed been a lot of progress as far as new material goes, especially with the lengthy so-called ‘epic’ piece that the guys have been arranging for quite some time now.
“Shortly after I arrived, before taking to their respective instruments, Adam suggested that everyone should first have a listen to what they had recorded during the previous session in order to make sure that all were in agreement with certain recently added sections. And listen they did. In fact, to give you some idea — my parking meter expired twice before they were done.”